Joyful Journey Hot Springs
Joyful Journey Hot Springs is a quiet, peaceful spa retreat located at the northern gateway to the San Luis Valley is a favorite destination for the healing, relaxing effect of natural hot water under the clear skies of the valley. They offer three outdoor tiled geothermal soaking pools, surrounded by decks and magnificent panoramic views. Water rises from the travertine springs at between 120°F and 145°F, however, the pools are maintained between 98°F and 108°F. The water is sodium bicarbonate type with significant levels of boron, calcium, lithium and magnesium, as well as other beneficial minerals. You can schedule a massage, a facial or take a yoga class while you are visiting. The hot springs are located about 45 minutes north of Alamosa. Joyful Journey offers accommodations, including hotel rooms, native tipis, RV and camp sites and yurts (round, canvas buildings).