The Importance of Tourism

  • Travel & tourism is a $1.3 trillion industry in the U.S. generating $100 billion in tax revenue
  • Colorado welcomed a record 55.1 million visitors in 2010, a 6.1% increase over 2009 and the highest total number ever reported.
  • Great Sand Dunes National Park welcomed 283,754 visitors in 2010; about a 5% increase of the 10 year average between 1998 and 2008.
  • The Colorado Welcome Center in Alamosa welcomed 27,290 visitors in 2009, compared to 37,987 visitors in 2010, resulting in a 39.19% increase.
  • As of October 31, 2011 the Welcome Center has surpassed the 2010 year end total of number of visitors.

  • Because of the down economy, travelers are considering visiting national parks, hiking and engaging in adventure activities. The San Luis Valley has much to offer these travelers with the Great Sand Dunes, Alamosa/Monte Vista/Baca Wildlife Refuges, and thousands of acres in the Rio Grande National Forest.