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Ft Garland Museum


Established in 1858, Fort Garland’s primary purpose was as a base against attacks by Indians in an effort to protect the new settlers.  It was once under the command of the legendary Kit Carson, and has an excellent exhibit of his career and family life.  Walk the parade grounds, tour the adobe buildings—including a display about the famed Buffalo Soldiers—and view 19th Century artifacts from early pioneers.  The museum features living history performances at special events throughout the year. 

Follow Highway 160 east from Alamosa for 25 miles into the town of Ft Garland.  Turn right onto Highway 159, the museum will be on your right about one block down. 

Museum Hours

January & February: Closed

March 1 – October 31 9am-5pm Daily

November to December 31 10am-4pm Tues-Sat 

Address: 29477 Colorado 159, Ft Garland, CO, 81133

Phone Number: 719-379-3512